
Showing posts from April 15, 2012

That in-between time again . . .

Anchorage is in that in-between time between winter and summer. With record snowfall this year (136.6”) things are a little slower than normal to begin our thaw cycle or “break up” as it is called here.   Things finally warmed up enough to get the melting process underway full swing with our first 24 hours above freezing since probably last September. It almost feels like it is time for celebration as everyone escapes the houses and heads out to the trails, bicycle paths, and about anywhere not indoors.   People are back outside, many without jackets or the heavy wear of winter. Dogs are being walked with more gusto now and couples are out walking again. Snow is melting at a nice pace with the major streets pretty dry after about a two week period of wet muddy roads pooled with water awaiting the storm sewers to thaw and take the water away.   The pot holes are being filled by the City crews as fast as they can so we are thankful they are quickly getting the really bad ones and a