
Showing posts from June 19, 2016

Summer Thinking Again

The weather here in Oregon is getting better and summer solstice was yesterday. It doesn’t seem to have the same importance here as Alaska where everything is in full light mode right now.  There were a couple of mentions and the declaration that summer is here but that was about it.  No parties that I saw or happenings around town. It was sunny and 75 degrees today and it is slightly noticeable the days are longer when sunset is about 9 pm.  The trees and flowers are in bloom so it is green and colorful around town.  As I have explored different areas it varies quite a bit. There are many nurseries, tree farms about and many vineyards not far away with many different varieties of wine being made locally.  Wine tastings are held in many places to the west and southwest of Portland. Missing my fishing after surviving another cold dark winter in Alaska but at least I was able to go with my buddy Russ in Campbell River on my trip south.  There are many good rivers around so I am