
Shook Me All Night Long . . .

Actually it was only for about 16 seconds, but it was traumatic all the same.

It woke me up around 2:30 in the morning because the bathroom door next to my bed was rattling. I instantly assumed that a mentally challenged individual or possibly my son coming home late and a little ‘tipsy’ was attempting a home invasion, and was perplexed by our sliding glass door. Then I quickly realized that the bedroom door was also shaking, as was the sliding closet door, and my bed.

It was an earthquake!

Not my first or severest as we were here during the 7.9 several years ago but it rattled me into being awake and wondering how long it might last or how close the epicenter was from my house.

I woke up wife who merely muttered "hhhhumph, what is it?" and rolled over never gaining consciousness to realize what was happening. My “Wonder Dog” Levi slept through the whole thing. Big help he would have been but getting older leaves Levi more or less not worried about the trivial things anymore. I guess he needs his sleep more now than he used to. I thought animals were supposed to have a sixth sense about these things. During the 7.9 both dogs alerted me about 30 seconds before things started shaking violently so they must feel the vibrations before humans. Once upon a time my loyal golden retriever would have woken us up in time to jam ourselves into the door frames or flee the house, but not this night as he just snored away.

It seems lately I am usually quite conveniently out of town when we have earthquakes and my wife somehow misses out or does not realize at the time what is happening around her. She has never really experienced one so I know that if she had awoke she would now be lying awake waiting for the aftershock to bring the house down.

Or at least, God willing, the house of our redneck neighbors down the road.

Yes, Alaska has rednecks but with all of the other strange characters here they don’t quite stand out as other places ‘outside’.

I guess this one is not the “Big” one so I think I will head back to sleep for another hour or so and then fix me some scrambled eggs as they are now on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Scrambled eggs . . . that’s a boneless chicken dinner here in the far north.

Bon appetite.



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