Alaskan Stryker Brigade Welcome Home

Alaskans give a big Thank You and Welcome Home to the first members of the 1-25th Stryker Brigade returning from a yearlong deployment in Iraq.  The first 160 troopers arrived to a quiet hanger in Fort Wainwright in the darkness of an early morning 3 a.m.
Inside the hanger was filled with yawning and pajama clad children and adults who erupted in a joyous reunion as the soldiers came off the plane.  Over the next several weeks a total of 4,000 military personnel with the Stryker Brigade will be coming home to similar welcoming events.

Thanks again for your service and sacrifice from a grateful nation!

The crazy birdman of Alaska is at it again as the geese are gathering in larger numbers making preparations for their migration south.  They are hitting many areas around Anchorage looking to bulk up on food before hitting the skies before the approaching winter weather arrives in a couple of weeks.

I have been playing with my birds hitting my feeder multiple times a day and have gotten a couple of the Blue Jays to eat peanuts out of my hand.  This is something to see as Gus is barking while jumping up trying to grab them off the railing. 
The bird is not rattled by Gus’ craziness and comes in and grabs the nuts from my hand.

It stashes the peanut in its gullet only to return to grab another one before heading back to the nest to pack them away for the winter.  This bird is smart and hides nuts in the flower planter boxes on the railing so the others will not get them and comes back later to grab them after the ones in the feeder have been gathered up.

Winters coming so everyone is preparing for the changes . . . including yours truly!



JeanMac said…
Always grateful to read of the guys "coming home" -
Great post with the jay. Your dog looks like he has a good coat for the winter.

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