I have to say it . . . Obama, ya done good!

Politics can sometimes be a very frustrating and rewarding thing and over the last couple of years I have wondered where the direction of this nation might be headed since Obama’s election.

There are still many ideals I cannot see eye to eye with the current administration as I believe that both sides debate for the sake of debating and not looking out for the needs and wants of our nation.  But when one does rise to the occasion I have to admit I put away all of the misgivings and embrace the words and emotions of the occasion.

We finally saw something out of the man who leads our nation, that spark that makes men and women want to protect the freedoms we have every day.  We saw that moment, 51 seconds that could very well define his Presidency.

Did you catch it during the memorial service in Arizona?

He was giving his speech, part sermon, more heartfelt than most of the last two years of speeches about the senseless tragedy last weekend.  He had started talking about Christina Taylor Green’s life and expectations.

“I want our democracy to be as good as Christina imagined it,” Mr. Obama had just said.  “All of us — we should do everything we can to make sure this country lives up to our children’s expectations.”

And then he stopped.  The people there were on their feet somewhat masking this moment if you weren’t paying attention.  After 10 seconds, he looked to his right.  After 20 seconds, he took a deep breath.  After 30 seconds, he started blinking.  Then his jaw tightened.  Finally, after 51 seconds of silence, he began to speak again. 

A defining moment for our President . . . he began describing a book published after Sept. 11, 2001 — the day Christina was born — “Faces of Hope — Babies born on 9/11” — the book included her picture and simple wishes for a child’s life, including one inscription that read “I hope you jump in rain puddles.”  The book had pictures of a baby from each of the 50 states born on 9-11-2001 and captions of the possibilities of a positive future.

Wednesday night, Mr. Obama’s perspective as a leader and as a parent came through propelling him to what is likely to be remembered as one of the most soaring moments of his presidency.

You probably won’t hear it a lot from me but in this instance . . . ya done good!



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