We’ve all heard it before . . . “The more you give, the more you receive”.

We’ve all heard this one before.

Most of us think about this when it comes to being generous with money, but this lesson applies to way more than charitable giving. 

You literally get back everything you put out there. 

It starts with the concept of “paying it forward” in your daily life.  Give that smile to the person who serves your coffee or brings you that lunch or dinner.  Help that person you can see struggling even if you know they will never ask for assistance.

If you want more of anything in your life, then be aware of what you are personally putting out there . . . kindness, generosity, love, anger, frustration, and money. 

It all comes right back to you.

In the theme of that great 1967 song . . .

“You can get anything you want . . .”

Give freely, of your time, yourself and let the river of abundance flow through your being and welcome the things and blessing it brings.

Have a nIce day!


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