September . . . Finally

. . . August is history and September is here!

And it was a beautiful first day of September. Sunny almost all day with a few clouds and temperatures in the mid-60s, with a slight breeze that tickled my wind chimes all day on my front and back decks.

After work it gave me a chance to be outside grilling some steaks, listening and watching the birds that come for food left for them on the deck railings. It is nice to see ‘my’ squirrel gathering his peanuts and food I put out so he can stash them for the coming winter. This red tailed squirrel has fared well the last two years as he looked like death warmed over when we first started putting out food and last winter he stashed probably about 16 pounds of peanuts and corn in his various caches around the property.

It will not be long before winter sets in as the days are getting noticeably shorter again but it was nice being outside . . . feeling . . . enjoying the time before I take down my screen room and store all of the outdoor furniture in my “shed from hell”.

Of course, I probably should have been writing my blog or working on one of the many bids I am working on, instead of be-bopping around the grill and my animals on the back deck, but it has been so long since I could be outdoors for longer than ten minutes without something planned or somewhere to be, that I decided to enjoy it. The dog, Levi, who recently had his mane clipped really short, dislikes hot weather so he is enjoying not having clumps of hair falling out all over the place and getting more time being petted and loved on by everyone. We are paying him more attention now without having to wash the extra hair off our hands every time you rub on Levi.

The neighborhood moose are returning now from their time higher on the mountainside which is another sign that the snow will be falling soon and termination dust (fresh early snow) will be seen on the mountains.

Enjoy it while we can as the changes will be coming to us fast now.



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