Life Painting . . . ?

What’s yours?

It’s a rainy day in Alaska today and I sit here thinking about all of the things I wanted to get done this weekend but didn’t get to . . . there was the Dipnet fishing I was hoping to fill my freezer with fresh red salmon filets for the winter . . . maybe next weekend. Then there is the shed I have been working on the last two weeks . . . thousands of pieces, I should have just built it out of wood as it would have gone a lot faster. I always have a little yard work to be done . . . I have cut a few limbs and dead trees that need to be disposed of sometime before the snow flies again.

I awoke early and it was nice having everyone sleep in giving me time to leisurely read the Sunday paper. I sat out on my deck that is covered by a nice seasonal sun room. Even the sound of the rain on the tented roof made for a relaxing morning in the mid 60’s. Summer in Alaska is different than other places I’ve lived. I awoke yesterday morning to find a grizzly bear had found its way into my trash can for left over pistachio nuts that had been placed inside. So much for ‘bear proof’ but the cleanup was easy and the bear was still sleeping in the tall grass of my back yard.

Have you noticed that just about everyone is painting a picture of life to sell what they believe? That they are framing information in a way to sell the idea they hold close to home? This happens in the news, science, the church, and just about everywhere we turn.

Let me try to paint the picture.

The newspapers and television news put a spin on the different stories trying to get everyone on the same page as the view things. Politicians do much the same while business associates will spin their information providing their point of view. It all paints a picture of how different people, governments, organizations, and others want us to view things . . . lives etc.

What are we to think?

Everyday I notice different pictures being painted all around me. The question I think we all need to ask ourselves is which painting is worth hanging in our own lives?

Does it reflect us well?

And, why that painting?



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