Christian Bale . . . What a jerk!

This guy is an idiot!

I have not been a big fan of his over the last couple of years after seeing a disappointing remake of an old western “3:10 to Yuma”. “The Prestige” was another one that while entertaining left me wondering why I spent the time at that movie a totally different reaction than I had enjoying another called, “The Illusionist”.

I don't usually criticize anyone but this guy is just a jerk.

When I have seen him in interviews he always seems so serious and very standoffish and apparently he's not a joy to work with either. When the director of photography Shane Hurlbut of the upcoming movie Terminator Salvation crossed the set within Bales sight line he ended up getting cussed out with 36 F- Bombs during the 4 minute tirade.

The incident took place in July on the set at Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico, days before Bale would face assault allegations from his mother and sister in London. Charges were never filed but the guy obviously has a few anger issues.

There must be something of justice or revenge which can sometimes be sweet because someone recorded this guy and leaked it and now everyone knows what a jerk he really is. This is somewhat sad and ridiculous at the same time that people act this way at work. At my office I think someone would clean up the floor with this idiot for talking to anyone like that and if I was a director I wouldn't even consider hiring him for anything.

Do not click on this video if you do not want to be “beeped” to death.

Alec Baldwin must be doing back flips and the Hula dance now that he is not the biggest dickhead out there after his drunken rant to his daughter on her voicemail. Alec has got to be a happy guy now that someone else is on the hot seat and he can now be spot lighter for his new Hula commercial which is hitting the airwaves.

Keep that intensity Christian . . . you will not be missed.



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