Go Buy a New TV

The new stimulus package could be a fun read, all 647 pages of it but as you thumb through some of the nonsensical line items it boggles the mind as to what some people were thinking.

There are a few items I wanted to mention and then let you decide if these are needed to help us work our way of this depression. Not Depression as in the great one but the depressing state we have allowed ourselves to become by not paying attention to those around us who were screwing up the system by taking advantage of our complacency.

$ 650 million dollars for Digital conversion coupon giveaways, let’s face it folks that is totally ridiculous. Technology has gone bonkers in the last 30 years and televisions have grown in size now to almost movie theater screen size while the price has come down dramatically in recent years.

Get rid of that 20 year old television, throw it away and go buy a new one for a few bucks more than the stupid coupon they are giving you. What they are not telling you are you may still have to spend more money on the services from the cable company to view anything beyond the basic channels.

How about this one . . . $ 50 million dollars to the Endowment for the Arts? To me that means we support all of those starving artists who can provide more “art” for us to buy . . . everyone wants another “dogs playing pool” painting or that nice pastoral mountain scene we love so much.

A program for $ 335 million for sexually transmitted disease prevention. This should concern each and every one of us as I remember the millions spent a few years back for all of those “drug free school zone” signs. Drug arrests around schools all over the country increased but hey, we still had those pretty signs.

I’m feeling pretty stimulated right about now, how about you?

There is so much more for us to feel really good about too. After we have already given billions to the auto industry now the Government wants to spend $ 600 million on new government vehicles. Now I’m sure it will be a nice gas guzzling American made car and not one of those fuel efficient models.

Amtrak, 1.1 billion for a railroad system that never really made money or achieved the success it was touted years ago.

$ 150 million on “honey bee insurance” that you may laugh about but it is a serious issue as if for some unforeseen disaster wipes out the bees then we would lose billions in food, fruits, and vegetables so it’s probably ok but I am not sure how this is supposed to stimulate our economy in the short term or give people jobs but it’s in there.

I like this one too. $ 25 million on “New” ATV trails. I can see where this will create a few jobs for some people but I bet if you went around to the high schools in many communities where there is a lot of ATV activity they would break new trails for nothing. Especially in small towns it would give them something to do and could also help ease that other program about the sexually transmitted diseases.

Global warming gets $ 400 million. I am not sure if it will now be split into two different things now that it has gotten so cold they had to change the name of the organizations to ‘Climate Change’. It must be to cover the costs of all the new letterhead and business cards.

Some of the big money items are 2.4 Billion dollars for carbon capture demonstration projects. What in the world that means. It doesn’t sound like it is a viable long term solution to carbon emissions but only a demonstration of possible techniques towards the problem. Is this something we should add to the education budgets so our high school or college students can work towards a workable solution to the problems we’ve created?

There are more out there in those 647 pages but I’m tired of writing for this night so I’ll leave you with this one last ditty. $ 4.1 billion dollars for neighborhood activist groups like ACORN. I guess that gives us a good start on putting people to work in those neighborhoods.

Hopefully everyone feels better now and has a clearer understanding of this almost trillion dollar package being worked on and signed off on shortly. I can feel the dollar bills coming down like a cold hard green snowfall to a neighborhood near you.

Let’s all be thankful that our politicians are working hard to get our economy back on track and everyone working. Rejoice dear hearts . . . it’s all good.



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