Brain Fart

What is a brain fart?  From what I understand, just as one can’t really hold on to their fart that is about to escape through clenched cheeks, brain farts are those thoughts that randomly escape out of your brain through your mouth and into the air, polluting it for a few seconds.  Depending on the person of course, some stench may linger and some don’t.

Sometimes our minds work well and the creative juices flow and ideas to write about come quickly and make my “topics” list or “story list”.  I can think of something and later easily recall enough of the idea to jot down something to jog my memory later when I can spend time working on and developing the writing.

Don't you love it when you are excited about something . . . and then when it comes time to do/say whatever it is you wanted to say/do . . . you have a brain fart and have NO idea what it was you were so excited about in the first place?  Well, if that has never happened to you . . . GREAT!  However, it happens to me sometimes on a daily basis. 

I have multiple moments throughout my day where I think to myself, "this would be a great topic to post on." or "This is so funny, I need to blog about it tonight when I get home."  Yet, when I sit in front of my computer to actually type . . . my brain farts and I go blank. 

Immediately write things down when you get that passing thought or see something you want to write about later.  Never trust yourself to “remember” it later on as you probably will be bombarded with information overload and cannot recall things when you have that quiet time at hand.

Hopefully I will regain full use of my brain . . . with less farting!!



jeanmac said…
Glad my problem has a name:)
dentalamy said…
Are you sure this isn't just a
consequence of old age??
(not that I would know of course!)
Icewind said…
It does have a name but like many medical terms . . . I wouldn't begin to try to pronounce it, lol.


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