John Meyer Who the Hell is he?

I suffered tonight while eating dinner as I sat watching television.  I had been watching the local news which as I did that manly thing of channel surfing I stumbled upon either “Show Biz Tonight” or “Entertainment Tonight”.  They both look the same to me as I never watch these programs but the ‘teaser’ during the commercial gave reference to a pre-Olympic story on skier Lindsey Vonn which I wanted to see.

While I waited for the story I was bombarded by a story about John Meyer’s raunchy talk about his former love Jessica Simpson.  Who cares was my first thought, and then I went into wondering who the hell John Mayer is?  Turns out he is somewhat of a singer and had the song from The Bucket List, “Say”.  Yeah that was annoying long before I ever saw the movie with its repeating the line “Say what you need to say” 41 times in just over 3 minutes and 44 seconds.  It was not the neat little ditty like some songs that stick in your brain to help you brighten your day and keep you smiling.  Say was more like that bad trip to the dentist where the sound of the drill and that smell of burning flesh/teeth annoy you immensely. 

Sorry I regress as just thinking about the song get me annoyed.

Anyway this fool Mayer has diarrhea of the mouth and giving an interview for Playboy magazine where he squirts about his former relationship with ex-girlfriend Jessica Simpson.  “That girl, for me, is a drug.  And drugs aren’t good for you if you do lots of them.  Yeah, that girl is like crack cocaine to me,” he said.  “Sexually it was crazy.  That’s all I’ll say.  It was like napalm, sexual napalm.”

This whole story put me right off my excellent chili and cornbread and the story I wanted to hear about Lindsey Vonn’s injury just before the start of the Olympic Games.

It really does not deserve the time it takes to write this post or the possible attention it brings . . . but in the spirit of “Say what you need to say” . . .

Who is John Mayer?
Who is John Mayer?
Who is John Mayer?
Who is John Mayer?
Who is John Mayer?
Who is John Mayer?
Who is John Mayer?
Who is John Mayer?

Who cares!
Who cares!
Who cares!
Who cares!

And in case you’re wondering what Jessica’s reaction to all of this . . .

“It’s no big thing!”



Icewind said…


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