
Showing posts from April 6, 2008

Bad time lately for our beloved Animals . . .

Times have been a little strange here lately with our slowly making our way back into the light . . . 10 pm now and there are still the fading rays of light to the west. It snowed here the last two days with about 10 inches up on the hillside and about 6 inches at the house. I was so ready for our things to move into spring and quickly into summer that the thought of going through two breakups this year is a big time disappointment for many here who want the winter over. I have written before about Buzzwinkle our ‘almost famous’ moose who lived downtown over the years and gave many of us enjoyment watching his antics. The Bull Moose with an affinity for fermented crab apples and Christmas lights is dead. The even-tempered moose has popped up sporadically over the years, but it wasn't until he got his antlers tangled in a rope swing in a Turnagain Parkway yard in November 2004 that he got darted and tagged, becoming instantly recognizable. Since then, Buzzwink