
Showing posts from February 7, 2010

Life Observation # 120

The reason the news never makes sense is because, perhaps, we really are surrounded by idiots, and the intelligent people are outnumbered. That would also explain why voices of reason are so damn hard to come by. Ice

John Meyer Who the Hell is he?

I suffered tonight while eating dinner as I sat watching television.  I had been watching the local news which as I did that manly thing of channel surfing I stumbled upon either “Show Biz Tonight” or “Entertainment Tonight”.  They both look the same to me as I never watch these programs but the ‘teaser’ during the commercial gave reference to a pre-Olympic story on skier Lindsey Vonn which I wanted to see. While I waited for the story I was bombarded by a story about John Meyer’s raunchy talk about his former love Jessica Simpson.  Who cares was my first thought, and then I went into wondering who the hell John Mayer is?  Turns out he is somewhat of a singer and had the song from The Bucket List, “Say”.  Yeah that was annoying long before I ever saw the movie with its repeating the line “Say what you need to say” 41 times in just over 3 minutes and 44 seconds.  It was not the neat little ditty like some songs that stick in your brain to help you brighten your day and keep you smil

Dog Farts

Dog Farts . . . or how my eyes were burning as I woke up this morning. Sometimes dog farts tend to be nastier than some of our best human counterparts.  My wife’s dog Gus lets go of some absolute beauties . . . and he knows it too.  I have been known to pinch my nose and give my traditional cry of "Awwwwww Gussssssss!", as he never moves off the bed just looking up at me with innocent eyes in the dimness of the bedroom as if to say "What?"  But I know that he knows, because of the way he looks away again just a little too quickly hoping he will be left alone and not thrown or kicked off the end of the bed.  The other night he was in fine form after sneaking the remnants in a bowl of chili . . . his own pungent smell woke him up . . . and he indignantly got up . . . jumped off the bed and left the room!  Of course leaving behind the toxic cloud in his wake, luckily it wasn’t mine and no one else woke up so I did not get blamed for polluting the room. Of course,

Brain Fart

What is a brain fart?  From what I understand, just as one can’t really hold on to their fart that is about to escape through clenched cheeks, brain farts are those thoughts that randomly escape out of your brain through your mouth and into the air, polluting it for a few seconds.  Depending on the person of course, some stench may linger and some don’t. Sometimes our minds work well and the creative juices flow and ideas to write about come quickly and make my “topics” list or “story list”.  I can think of something and later easily recall enough of the idea to jot down something to jog my memory later when I can spend time working on and developing the writing. Don't you love it when you are excited about something . . . and then when it comes time to do/say whatever it is you wanted to say/do . . . you have a brain fart and have NO idea what it was you were so excited about in the first place?  Well, if that has never happened to you . . . GREAT!  However, it happens to me