
Showing posts from September 4, 2016

My eulogy for Doug Coker

Before I left Portland Oregon to come to Atlanta when my brother in law, Doug Coker passed away unexpectedly I knew I would not arrive in time for his memorial service so I wrote a eulogy that my brother Ron spoke during the service.  I wanted to post it now so I would have a record of it during my travels. Thanks to all of you who have posted or emailed your thoughts and prayers for our family as it is much appreciated by everyone. Time is too slow for those who wait, Too swift for those who fear, Too long for those who grieve, Too short for those who rejoice, But for those who love, time is eternity. Hours fly, flowers die, New days, new ways pass by, Love stays. (Henry Van Dyke) Though my heart is filled with much sadness during this time, my thoughts will not be one of despair, nor of loss, and mourning, but it is one of hope, love, and celebration.  I had the good fortune of knowing Doug since early childhood, living in the same neighborhood, spending time and grow