Super Bowl Sunday 2006

To be honest I am not a big football fan. I was born and raised in Atlanta and suffered through a lot of years where none of the sports teams were very good.

There were many “professional teams” there, the Braves, Hawks, Flames, and the Falcons. In my time living there most were hardly professional in that the excuse every week on television broadcasts were, “Well we didn’t have our game face on” or “we just didn’t get into it today”. Now most of these guys only work for about 6 months out of the year (baseball) and football even less so I think they should give it "their all" for those few weeks, especially for the amount of money they are making.

The Braves finally started an excellent farm system and won the World Series in 95 the year I left Atlanta so I did see several games before moving away. It was always distracting year after year with the only true “winners” being NASCAR races and the crazy fans that came to the races. Television got involved and it hit the big time.

I came home Saturday night from a trip to the South for a family emergency and today was alone for a bit since my wife had taken our grandbaby home and was picking up my daughter from her friends house and thought I would check out what was happening and possibly see some of the commercials they talk about every year after the game.

I cannot tell you who are playing or what channel it is on but I do have cable and ESPN will surely let me know how to find the game.

I get several big drinks and a bowl of popcorn, some lil’ smokie links that I put in the crock pot this morning with some Guinness and BBQ sauce (KC Masterpiece honey smoke for those interested) and I settle in my chair to watch the TV.

I look around and notice my wife had cleaned up before she left to take the baby home. What a surprise as I usually do that after Pudge goes home each weekend.

Nice, now I can enjoy this quiet time.

Let’s see . . . .

Where is that remote control?

It’s not in the folds of my chair; it is not under the cushions.

I wait . . .

And wait . . .

Maybe I should go play some D2 or check my email . . .

Nah, I really want to do this, to see “professional sports again” and find out if I have been missing anything.


My wife returned home and was able to bring me the remote from on top of the TV where she had put it when she was cleaning.

Thanks Hun,

now I can see what I’ve been missing in those work conversations that takes 2 days each week to muddle through the entire goings on each weekend in sports.

Six or seven different “pregame” type shows are on. Really!!

No lie, it is like this is a big deal or something.

Local channels have pregame shows, ESPN, ESPN2, HGTV, ESPNC, Fox News, CMT-W (Brian’s Song), and ESPNN. Why does ESPN have so many channels? Do people really care?

I think even Bravo Channel had some sort of Queer Eye for somebody pregame show. I couldn’t bring myself to tune into that one to see what they were doing. I’m not really sure if I would want to see or have ever been interested in that type “pregame show” or the main show for that matter.

This is way too much to deal with as I know the game is in the Eastern Time zone as my brother lives in Jacksonville Beach and had mentioned it was played there last year. Does Jacksonville have a NFL team now?

I’m in Alaska Time zone which is 4 hours difference. Is this a night game in the East? TV would probably want the most viewers but I think a lot of people and parties would be better on Sunday afternoon. Work tomorrow or just skip it from all of the partying?

I think I will just check the boards again and see if I can find some people to play Diablo 2 LOD with for a bit.

Atlanta teams over the years soured me on “professional sports”,

I’ll stick to my computer gaming and friends.

Super Bowl 2006 ?

Nah, not again this year.



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