Last Comic Standing

Reality? What is that?

Last Comic Standing or was it a really slow TV night?

From 2 weeks ago, I can't believe what I just did.

I, for the first time ever, participated in the voting process for a reality TV show. I couldn't help myself. I love comedy and seeing how different people react to life and the funny situations found everyday.

It has been a strange process as the show has been split between Bravo cable channel and ABC. The early shows on Bravo showed the nationwide search for the finalist and then each week one of the finalist’s would be voted off after several comics had a head to head performance. It then would be played on both networks each week as it came down to the final two performers.

The show has gotten down to the last four comics and one is voted off each week. Three of the comics either did not have it this night or just weren’t funny. I felt like I had to make sure that I at least threw my vote behind the one that didn't suck this night. You can't complain if you don't exercise your rights. That’s what I think anyway.

So I voted for Josh Blue all five times. He was the only one that brought anything funny or original to the party. Michelle Balan wasn't funny, she never has really has been except for one of her early performances. Chris Porter said a few things that just didn't make any sense tonight. He has normally been pretty witty and had some really funny material, especially the night they did the “roast party”.

Ty Barnett was actually really funny tonight and I was going to give him at least a couple votes, but then he ripped off The Daily Show with a joke about bum-vertising. It was a funny joke, but the idea was so far from original that I was shocked he used it on the show. He has also had some good sets on other nights and has been consistently in the top.

What I really like about Josh is that when he performs it sounds like he is out there having an unrehearsed conversation with the audience and a great time being there. It doesn’t come off like he is doing a routine per se. All of the other comics sound like they took Comic Class 101. It kinda feels like Olympic ice skating where you know what elements they have to do and you know they will be doing them; you just have to wait to see how or if they pull them off.

Josh is really funny but does a few too many Cerebral Palsy jokes; he could and is funnier without relying on those, especially since we have seen him for several weeks now. He always leaves me wanting to hear more. He's off-the-cuff and makes it interesting; the other comics are very structured and almost look like they are reading cue cards. They know that 5 minute bit and go blindly through it. Chris Porter seems like his timing is just a little off or we the audience is just out of step with some of his routines. I think he will be one of the final two but he needs to work on his timing a bit.


The voting has been completed now as I finish this. Chris was eliminated in the final week and the last competition between Ty Barnett and Josh Blue was shown on ABC.

Both had strong performances but when the votes were in The Last Comic Standing was Josh Blue. Congratulations! Have fun and great success!

What a strange life we lead as I have just written a blog post about a reality show. I have been on the road traveling this past week with time on my hands so what can I say. Go figure?



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