Did I mention those Nude Photos?

As I stepped out of the shower the other day and looking in the mirror, the thought crossed my mind that I should never post nude pictures of myself on this blog. Doing so probably would not be without precedent as some may recall the time I posted a topless photo of myself that I sent to my doctor friend to identify a peculiar rash that was festering on my chest. It turned out to be an infected mosquito bite that I received while fishing but that email is out in internet limbo floating around I guess.

Then, however, another more truly disturbing thought flashed through my brain: Such pictures may already exist somewhere on the internet. And if they do exist, I have only the stupidity of my youth to blame.

After the Army, I dated for a little while an art major who happened to be taking a photography course. She was always looking for things to take pictures of so she could practice and I guess I was no exception. She always needed someone to photograph and as her boyfriend, I was naturally inclined to volunteer my services as her intrepid model for a not unreasonable quid pro quo.

I eventually grew tired of all her practice but not before she needed a nude model from time to time.

Ok, Perhaps especially when she needed a nude model.

I remember being quite happy to undress and had several opportunities to undress some more while she clicked away. I really liked the parts after our photo sessions but that is another story better left for a cold and snowy day.

Most of you who know me know that I wear Hawaiian type shirts almost everyday, even in winter here and that I do have some “outgoing” tendencies from time to time. I guess for someone with a positive self-image and the self-confidence to wear a seersucker suit in my youth, posing nude was not an uncomfortable proposition. I think it may have been a Southern thing because I had several seersucker suits in my day.

But what I found most disconcerting in her picture taking was whenever I would awaken from a hazy slumber only to find her holding a camera. The flash going off usually woke me up but sometimes she would be right next to me with her camera at the ready position. Apparently, she enjoyed taking pictures of me while I slept. Go figure?

How could I have been so reckless? Luckily that time period was before the internet.

Oh heck, now, if I can only get back those videotapes . . .



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