The Journey Continues Part 3 – Day 5

to Haines Junction . . .

Watson Lake has a couple of neat things to see . . . one is the world famous Sign Post Forest where thousands of people have left signs as they traveled the Alaska Highway. It started when the road was being built and continues today.

It’s amazing to see how many signs are placed there. When we were here in the winter most were covered in snow as the drifts where ten feet high in many places so you could not see many of them . . . only the top few signs.

With the snow melted it takes on a whole different meaning to see all of these left by the travelers of the world.

Soon we are in the high country again, tired but continuing on . . .

More beautiful scenery . . .

Our approach to the Teslin Bridge and Teslin Lake . . .

We continue our drive into the afternoon we pass a long and beautiful Teslin Lake still frozen and later we drive through Whitehorse only stopping to refuel and get a cup of coffee. Our goal is to make it into Haines Junction and spend the night there but we still have a little more to go before this day is done.

We drive up on a large herd of elk off to the side of the road and stop for a couple of pictures . . .

There were two groups grazing off to the side of the road on the edges of a gravel pit and the grazing land beside it.

We continue on as the sun gets lower on the horizon . . .

We finally arrive in Haines Junction and look for a motel to spend the night. There are none with an open eating place so we find one that sits with a great view of the mountains from our room.

The town has an interesting ‘statue’ next to our motel with ‘head mounts’ of the local animals . . .

We settle in for the night with no dinner after almost a 14 hour drive . . . only a cup of coffee in our room before a night of much needed sleep.

We traveled 714.3 miles today



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