To Busy for Friends? . . . Shame on us all.

“Be not the slave of your own past. Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.“

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The whirlwind days of summer is among us all and there is just so many things pulling for our time . . . work, family, things you have no control over, . . . and at the end of the day . . . you’ve been pulled, twisted, and blindly fall into the twilight of sleep that is Alaska right now.

The days start with good intentions of writing that quick note or making that phone call to family or friends but shortly things go into chaos mode and the day runs without any breaks or slowdowns.

Good intentions fall by the wayside once again.

The time leading up to this was hectic with the preparations of my brother in law’s move to Alaska from Utah . . . a quick fishing trip since his work rotation of three months would put him returning past the fishing season.

These past few weeks have been preparing for my wife’s best friend from her childhood coming for a visit with her family. They arrive tomorrow afternoon and as it happens when things are going with no rhyme or reason I received a phone call today that my wife was in the hospital. It was late this afternoon and she had been there since about 10 am this morning.

I guess that old adage of being the last to know takes on a whole different meaning this afternoon but was told I had a lot on my plate and she didn’t want to add worry to my list.

Add the tasks of building a shed, painting, and clearing some trees and limbs on the property it seems like the tasks will never end. Hopefully things will return to some semblance of normal soon as everyone needs a break.

To end on a somewhat humorous note . . . tonight I had a boneless chicken dinner . . . eggs . . . with some kielbasa and cinnamon toast.

Time to see what else is on my list of to do’s . . .



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