Alaskan Power windows

Alaskans are known for their ability to make the best of bad situations. It comes from the frontier mentality that prevails here in the arctic north. Everyone knows that duct tape is used for everything as a way to fix any problem or leaky roof.

Alaskans search high and low for those little helpful hints that may help us survive a breakdown in the extreme cold . . . maybe a way to help us keep or catch or kill a little fresher so as not to have our subsistence spoil before we can get it back to a freezer.

I came across this little hint to help us use everyday items to make our frontier lifestyle the envy of the neighbors . . . if you happen to have one close by.

Red Green gives us another use for that old mixer . . . enjoy!

As you can see, this will always make you a desired person in your region.

Next up . . . Famous Alaskan Roadkill Recipes.



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