The word on the street is . . .

It’s a funny thing . . . perceptions.

Life has been full tilt lately with work keeping me burning the candle at both ends bidding on work for the upcoming construction season in the far north. There have been many bids going out lately almost 6 a week with about half of them being projects in ‘bush’ Alaska, many off of the road system.

There have been health clinics, schools, house rebuilds that have been destroyed by fire, and even a large swimming pool project. The pool project was an indoor pool complex out in one of the middle/high school upgrades in rural Alaska. There have been boiler room upgrades (swap outs) and multifamily housing compounds and even an animal shelter.

We have bid many jobs of late and are winning several of the ones we wanted and lost some of the ones which we would have gladly worked on but did not really want. In the overall scheme of things the game of bidding is giving perceptions on many different fronts. You may put your name out there for other contractors to see that you ‘may’ be going after a particular project. It could be that out of the 6 project you are bidding there is only one or two that you are serious in acquiring but you bid others in the ‘chess game’ of the bidding wars. You place yourself out there to both promote your company and to provide your crews with work for the coming year or two.

Perceptions . . . Word on the street is . . .

Our company is getting the jobs . . . word on the street is . . .

Your company is a great place to work . . . word on the street is . . .

Do you think it happens by chance?

We make things happen in a positive way because we make a choice everyday to make it a great one . . . to give our clients a great product , , , and we are building Alaska in many different ways making life better for many people.

Word on the street is . . .



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