April Showers . . . yeah right!

Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio Icewind . . . “The nation turns its lonely eyes to you me.”

Oh, only to be so relevant.

Fortunately I’ve heard from a few of you that I have been missed so thanks for the emails and well wishes. I can’t say how much or why, but it feels good to know that some of you noticed I was gone and took the time to drop me a line after Levi’s passing.

In any case, it’s nice to be back, if only for this post. Hopefully I’ll regain my form and be posting regularly again, but as you’ll find out below . . . what was melting has now it seems turned to permafrost or the Global Warming has shifted, resulting in a whole new level of discontinuity and madness in the far north.

It has nothing to do with the recent warm temperatures in Anchorage. Or maybe it does. Let me fill you in on the last couple of months in “Icewind’s world”.

Unbelievable is all I can say about yesterday as our springtime in Alaska took another turn . . . over 18 inches of snow fell between 7 am until 9 pm. We were almost totally thawed out with only small areas with snow piles left to melt off the landscape. Our normal rite of passage walking along the highways picking up all of the ‘winter trash’ and putting it in the yellow “BP” bags or the orange ones were just beginning as our April shower turned to snow once again covering everything with a fresh blanket of white. It was good for helping with the dust until the road crews could sweep up all of the left over mess from the sand and salt. The DOT had put up all of the snow plows for the season getting sweepers on the roads to prepare for the tourists arrivals in a couple weeks.

I’ll share a few pictures from yesterday . . .

Record snowfall this

late in the season . . .

18 to 22 inches around Anchorage

My Deck going

to the back to the . . . Hot Tub

Where's my Rig?

I was hoping 2008 would be a banner year but so far it has been nothing but a mixed batch of events or personal setbacks. The semi public view of Levi’s downhill turn and how it has effected me along with the mostly private health issues with my youngest daughter’s battle with trips in and out of the hospital over recent months has put a self imposed limit on many things as those were important to me and the attention needed to deal with everything has left me no time to write or even check emails but once a week. Maybe with the summer’s sun and a lighter work schedule things will once again settle down for time of observations of the small things that I can report to everyone on.

If you catch cable television there is the Discovery Channel’s Myth Busters series filmed in Alaska several months ago which featured “Buzzwinkle” wandering downtown just before he died. It is worth the watch as the show features several ‘myths’ based on life in the arctic.

That’s all for now; again thanks for the emails of condolence as it was very much appreciated.



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