Sometime Life’s Just Hard . . .

Sometime Life’s Just Hard . . . for no reason at all.

These last few months have put a strain on me and family. My youngest daughter has been having health problems and has been in and out of the hospital several times now while doctors run test after test and try to figure out what is wrong. We thought things were making a turn for the better as she was released from the hospital, was eating again and starting to put weight back on seemingly working her way back to recovery from some mysterious ailment.

Her ‘better’ period lasted only about a week and she was back in the hospital again not able to keep any food down. Doctors had came back with a partial diagnosis saying her kidneys were in partial failure but were stumped as to why as many tests showed she was normal for so many other things. It has been so frustrating seeing her suffer and not able to take her pain away.

Since she has been back in again these last three weeks she has missed out on her graduation . . . her first mother’s day . . . and seeing her young son making those first awkward steps as he became an upright mobile little tyke. Times that will be hard to get back for a young mommy, I can feel her frustrations wanting to feel better and normal again.

As more tests have been performed it seems that there is some type problem with her stomach not emptying after she eats. Normally you eat and food is digested and makes its way down the lower intestines making waste. Her stomach seems to be holding the food for several days, filling up and with no where to go . . . she throws it back up. What is causing the problem . . . no one knows for sure with a scheduled consultation with a pediatric gastroenterologist when he comes up from the lower 48 next week.

Where does that leave her? Not sure but her kidneys have taken a hit and her spirits are somewhat broken.

Spring has finally arrived with the ice off most of the lakes around town now and the temperatures are slowly creeping its way towards 60 degrees. These last couple of days has brought with it the explosion of ‘green’ as the trees give up its bare look for that first burst of color as the leaves and buds make that change in a single day. Grass will soon follow bringing about more color and it will not be too long before the flowers are in bloom. It has probably been a month or so since flowers bloomed in other parts of the country.

As I close tonight I ask that you keep our family in your prayers and that everyone make sure to make everyday count because . . . Sometimes Life’s Just Hard . . . for no reason at all.



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