What Crap is on Television These Days . . .

I’m not sure if it is the time of day (usually late evenings) that I have the opportunity to watch television but it seems to me that for some strange reason the commercials that are shown when I’m watching is targeted to those that may find themselves with all sorts of possible ailments or conditions. Maybe daytime television runs these same things but late night in Alaska is really strange.

Well, I guess sometimes there isn’t much of a choice whatever time you may be watching. With over a hundred channels to pick from and the thousands of commercials being played there’s the possibility to find something for everyone. I was getting a look the other night when an ad came on for a relative well known prescription drug for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Among the possible side-effects were “bad diarrhea, or . . . diarrhea together with . . . fainting, or dizziness.” The one side effect that always gets me is the ‘explosive diarrhea’. I’ve experienced this first hand after eating hot wings or some other really great food and it was THE effect . . . and I can tell you there was nothing ‘side’ about it. It was the real deal almost making me promise not to eat certain things again but overall I will probably risk that in the future and accept those possibilities.

Now, I know everyone makes fun of these side-effects (like the ones for the anti-depression drugs that may “cause sexual dysfunction” . . . now there’s a pick-me-up), but I mean is there really a difference between ‘bad’ diarrhea and diarrhea where you pass out . . . or fall down?

How would that work in conversation?
Scott: “Ice, heard about your diarrhea. Was it bad diarrhea?”
Ice: “No, it wasn’t ‘bad’ I just passed out and fell off the toilet bowl . . .”

Makes one want to rush right out and buy these products.



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