Say It Ain’t So . . . Sarah Palin

Palin Implicated In Bullwinkle Assassination

A little fun sets in as I am sitting here watching “Almost Famous” and can’t really get my mind into writing anything serious tonight so this little ditty just for the fun of it . . . and there’s a line in the movie, “I didn’t invent the rainy day . . . but I do own the best umbrella!” We’ve had the rain falling a lot here in Anchorage with it raining each day over the last 22 days so we need something to laugh about.

The possible successor to Dick Cheney is getting out ahead of the game and shooting things up before she even takes office. The full "story" is found here at Sarah Palin Kills Bullwinkle - Bambi Is Next

It's just a joke folks . . . seriously . . . I couldn’t resist.



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