Sometimes Life’s Just Hard . . .

For no reason at all.

That line was from one of my favorite movies, “Remember the Titans!”

We do construction work all over Alaska and see some pretty incredible things especially when you get off the limited road system within the state. Our mode of travel at times is sometimes a little unconventional taking a ‘bush plane’ into the interior to some remote village where we may be working to build a school or medical clinic. I have had to be taken once by dog sled from one location after being stranded there in bad weather where the plane could not land for several days so one of the Native locals trekked me over 40 miles to a larger village with an airport so I could return home.

At those times Life is an Adventure and you just kind of go with the flow.

At others things do not work out so great.

A friend whose company does a lot of work on the North Slope recently sent me a couple of photos taken by DEC personnel during a site inspection. This was a pretty harsh winter here with many days well below zero and wind chills making things even lower.

Life is hard . . . sometimes it is unforgiving . . . but the goal is to go forward as long as you can.

This Caribou was found frozen in place while standing in -80°F winds near Kuparuk, Alaska.

Notice no tracks in the snow around the Caribou

Circle of Life goes on and on.

Let’s see . . . what is all this nonsense about Global Warming?

It may be happening but who knows where we are in relation to the 10,000 year cycle? I remember during the 80’s everyone was crying about Global Cooling . . . the funny thing is, we still have the same amount of ‘water’ now that we’ve had since the Earth was created . . . it just may be in a different ‘state’ during this time period to another. Less ice fields, more clouds, more snow, less rain . . . who knows in the overall scheme of things but everyone can do their part to impact the planet in a responsible manner.



JeanMac said…
Aw, poor thing. I've made it thru -54 but that was running from the house to the car! The poor animals.
Icewind said…
My coldest was -60 air temp with windchill at -85 in Barrow several years ago.

We had 4 inches of snow this morning which drove me nuts, April 13 and we are still getting snow.

Go Figure.


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