Smokey Bear Happy Birthday

Alaska is “hot” for a change with temperatures near a record of 80 degrees here in Anchorage. The past weekend was nice with warmth like has not been seen for several years but with the dry comes forest fire dangers.

There are several large fires in the interior west southwest of Fairbanks and with our high pressure situated just so is bringing the smoke down from the north across south central Alaska.

It reminds me of my travels to the Blue Ridge Mountains of the Appalachia and the hazy look found there. The lake wasn’t too bad but the view around Anchorage today is quiet hazy.

With the smoke and haze it reminded me of one of my childhood friends. It’s hard to believe Smokey Bear is 65 years old. Many people still think that his name is Smokey the Bear but that is not right for all these years.

Happy Birthday Smokey!

There are still the teaching tools for the kids available and updated commercials and print ads that show Smokey has aged a bit but still effective.

This ad is quiet creative and I just love the voiceover by Sam Elliott.

And I guess his mantra might have changed a little bit with time.

The old familiar “Only YOU can prevent forest fires!” is still tried and true but there may be the occasional play on words from Smokey . . . “Only YOU can prevent a broken hip!” or that “You can stop that shameful waste” from my childhood to “You can’t STOP that shameful waste from incontinence.”

I guess we are all growing older.



JeanMac said…
I loved that video.
Icewind said…
Thanks Jean,

I hope all is well with you and Wayne!


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