Oprah Retires . . . Stimulates our Economy

Last week there was the big news that Oprah is retiring from her talk show after 20 + years giving everyone information, book reviews and an occasional prize or two for her loyal fans who were in the studio to see her.

Over the years she has tried to stimulate the economy as in the big car giveaway to her audience in 2004 where everyone in her studio opened a gift box with the key to a new automobile inside.  She was helping the auto industry long before they needed their bailout.  Probably better than that forty five hundred bucks the Government gave out.

Has anyone ever heard of writing off charity on your taxes?  Hmmmm . . . pretty sure you can or put it as a “business expense.”  In 2008 she made 385 million dollars . . . that could potentially buy 1,428 people a new Cadillac Escalade while still having 285 million left over . . . so essentially she could afford to have all of us drive a new car with enough left over to buy plenty of Black Angus burgers and country croc butter.  Brand “Oprah” is a multibillion dollar industry.

In a selfless decision to closeout her television show in 2011 after her 25th season ends, she will be giving her millions of viewers a chance to finally get off their couch (ass) and go out and get a job again helping to stimulate the economy, lower the jobless rate, and for some of these hapless souls maybe a life.

Now if we could just rid the airwaves of Jerry Springer and his motley gang of misfits there might be quicker times at the drive through windows at McDonalds and Burger King.  

Am I jaded a bit . . . maybe because I can honestly say I have never watched one of Oprah’s shows having been at work during the times it comes on so I probably missed a few good book reviews and that bald guy who sounds funny when he talks giving out advise or something.

But we wish Oprah luck with her new endeavor as I am sure with her resources and talented staff there will be more to come and her continued philanthropy will benefit people all over the world.

You go girl?  Is that one of her sayings?



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