
I’ve spent the last two days in an orientation class for job I recently started.  I was supposed to go to one in mid December but with the holidays it was cancelled until after the first of the year.

I was able to start work for several weeks and as Monday approached I was starting to dread having to stop for two days to attend a class.  It had elements about the company and our mission.  There were lectures about the systems and the different divisions within our organization.  There were also several lectures (stories) about cultural differences within our staff and also our clients (patients/shareholders).  They were enlightening at times and showcased what makes this group of people somewhat unique in our fields of expertise.

The class was filled with people from the four different divisions, some health care personnel with one doctor and six to eight nurses.  There were admin type people who worked in various clerical or billing type positions.  A few were from the research or grant acquisition division while the last four of us were from the engineering and construction part of the company.  It was a wide range of talent with interesting input during the interaction within each lecture segment.

There were times when it had that down home feel to it while at other times it was the technical ‘get the point’ across with a smile attitude about it.  The last two speakers of the sessions seemed to tie it all together nicely about what we are trying to accomplish in both the preventative medicine as well as the in hospital setting.

Our last speaker shared the vision of the organization and had everyone involved by the end of his talk . . . focused . . . understanding where we are headed . . . all with a ‘red paper clip’.

Click on the link above and read how in one calendar year Kyle MacDonald “traded up” one red paperclip for a house in Canada. 

Many of you may have heard of the story as it made the news and has inspired others to accomplish wondrous things.

How this tied to our company is with the hiring practices of locating great people who ‘trade up’ for a vision our company holds in bringing that vision to reality in the future. 

This turned out to be a very satisfying time away from the office and a renewed focus of our time ahead, this New Year is starting off on the right path.



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