A Tale of Two Earthquakes

I . . . am curious to know your thoughts on this?  As you know, recent Earthquake activity has sparked death and fear throughout Chile, Haiti and Japan.  It seems that more and more earthquakes are occurring, more and more wars are beginning or starting and the rumors . . . such as Libya declaring a "jihad" of sorts against Switzerland.  What’s that all about?  Are we rushing towards the “End Times”?  

What are your thoughts?  Is this simply sudden random acts of nature . . . or are the predictions of our Lord coming true?

The news of yesterday’s earthquake in Chile brought to mind a bible verse I learned so long ago . . . Matthew 24:7

Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.  There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

Ring of Fire

Chile and Haiti . . . Two countries . . . Two earthquakes, both tragedies and apparently two vastly different outcomes.

One, Chile: a relatively wealthy nation, one of the world’s most seismically active, where young and old are educated in responding to earthquakes whose architecture is built to bend and wobble, but hopefully not collapse.  

Probably most important of all: The earthquake preparedness in Chile is extremely high. This is earthquake country, Chile is regularly struck by earthquakes, and the largest earthquake ever recorded in fact occurred in Chile in 1960. The resilience is great and the population is able to cope with a hazard. The country is also rich enough to have available funds for, undoubtedly needed, quick response, to avoid or mitigate some of the calamities usually following large earthquakes.

And the other: Haiti, a desperately poor nation, with little understanding of even the basics of earthquake responses, coordination and even less decent architecture to protect its people, I can’t help but compare the two.  Haiti’s government or lack thereof during the early days was non-existent with no voice to assure its people or coordination of any kind to tend to the wounded or rescue those still trapped inside the fallen structures.

Still even earthquake proof buildings have a limit even though Chile is a wealthy country with many modern buildings constructed after devastating previous earthquakes, that’s probably little comfort for many who aren’t yet able to reach their family, friends and loved ones.

I read this morning, "Because the scale is exponential, today's seismic event was about 500 times more powerful than the one in Haiti."  That is simply hard to wrap my mind around.  I ask you all today to remember those in these devastated areas with prayer in your hearts.

Obama has pledged more support . . . for Chile this time so I guess that means the U.S. will print more money to send off.  I still hope that we have a fund raiser for Alaska and Anchorage so when our times comes for another ‘big shake’ there will be some money left to help us rebuild and rescue our hurt citizens.

Is this biblical or just Nature’s way to thin the herd and make mankind rebuild safer structures I’m not sure.  But for many people who might have doubted before . . . When the ground starts to shake . . . you’re going to look up . . . and wonder . . . is it that time?



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