Halloween . . . Where did it go?

Living in Alaska puts a damper on some things but the last couple of years one is left to wonder what happened to Halloween.

Even with the cold weather you would see kids out with costumes over the snow suits or all bundled up against the elements.  Lately there have only been a few people out and about knocking on doors looking for the candy treats we looked forward to as a child.

Alaska does things a little differently with several indoor places to take the children to a ‘festival’ atmosphere where there are the big inflatables for the kids to play and being inside there is little worry of the cold or snow outside.

Does that take away from the whole fun of Halloween going to the neighbor’s house for that trick or treat tradition?  I had only four people who knocked on my door this year and they all came at the same time.  Over a period of several hours there was nothing happening even though my wife gave the dog a Valium to calm him down since he barks at anything and everything.  It slowed him down a bit but left him wandering around the house like a person looking for a nice place to lie down.

My wife took her dad to the airport for his ‘snowbird’ trip to Florida and the dog went with her only to whine the whole way, not like him at all as he normally loves to ride in the car with her.  I think his senses were out of whack with the downer and confusion set in for his ride.

My bag of candies had a few things going to those who came by, a few more to my grand daughter who was here earlier in the day while a few more being shipped in a package s to my grandsons.

Halloween was a big deal long ago and looks like a tradition dying of complacency.  Hopefully in other parts of the country it is still going strong.



JeanMac said…
Halloween has become quieter because communities offer parties. I like the idea as it's much safer but I do miss the kids.

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