Karma vs. Faith

There was an incident at my work today that had me thinking about several things.

Someone parked a car at the top of our parking lot and left to go inside to work in the building next to ours.  One of my co-workers, Faith came to work a little later than usual due to her son’s school activities.  She parked in a different spot than her ‘normal’ one as most of us are creatures of habit and leave for work at the same time, arrive at the same time and park in ‘our’ spot each day.  We do not change very much of our daily activities going home the same way, stopping for things from the store on the same day each week or weekend.  We all do it.

Several hours after work started there was an email sent saying a vehicle had “rolled over in the parking lot”.  It did not say which side of the building this happened so I looked out my window and noticed a car had plowed into one or two other vehicles.  Later it was discovered that the vehicle that had parked at the top of the parking lot had a dog in it.  There is some speculation that the dog may have knocked the shift lever out of gear and it rolled down about 100 feet and stopped after striking my friend Faith’s car and another one beside her.

Faith was upset, rightly so and was not sure what to do so we took pictures of the damage, called the police for a report since it occurred on private property and the person who did the damage was belligerent and abrasive that the incident happened.  He would not ‘open the door’ while the police were on scene and had a wrecker pull the car up onto the platform and then move it to another area of the parking lot and drop it off.  Totally strange.  Makes one wonder what kind of smells or other substance might have been in the vehicle that he would not open the doors.

While we were waiting for the police to come Faith was sitting in my office and we were talking and I made a comment about Karma, or the concept what you put out comes back to you: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, or in physics — in physical laws — every action is met by an equal or an opposite one. 

Faith, according to Wikipedia is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.  So is there a correlation between Faith and Karma?  Did something bad happen to her because she changed her routine slightly and varied from her “normal” day.  Was the bad incident because she put out bad vibes about other things and this was the ying and yang of something else?

Questions for sure . . . but a wrecker and a rental car salvaged the day.

Now who’s to pay for the saga of a car sitting there minding its on business when down the hill comes another vehicle possibly be ‘driven’ by a dog arriving at that point in the time space continuum where it struck and became one with the other vehicle?

Only the insurance company knows for sure.



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