Miss the Chick- . . . Fil-A that is

Since leaving Atlanta in 1995 there are a few things that I really miss about the south and Atlanta in particular.  Food is always at the heart of a good southerner where during family or friend get together outings it is impossible to finish the meal you are eating without discussions of the next meal in a few hours.  It is a southern thing that has been passed generation to generation . . . father to son . . . mother to daughter.  It is a way of tradition of a proud people.

Growing up I lived in the downtown are and The Varsity drive-in was just a few blocks away so it was not a big deal to walk there and get a chili dog and a coke or if you had the extra money a frosted orange drink.  Those were great times and fond memories.

Another one was the Auburn Avenue Rib Shack a staple of great southern BBQ.  I used to go there many times with my old friend Lewis Grizzard, another one I miss a lot, Catfish too.  They were best buddies!

There is always Waffle House and Cracker Barrel which I miss a lot but we finally had a DQ built in Anchorage so that has helped with less driving than the two hours for a shake or chili fries.

One of my favorite places to eat is Chick-Fil-A and whenever I make my travels to an area where there are stores in the mall or his later free standing stores I make every effort to stop in for a sandwich or two, maybe a couple to go too.  The closest store to me now is about five thousand miles away so it is sad to see one of my favorite places in the news and with possibly negative information.  It has always been a family run business with people always out to be attentive to everyone’s needs.

Recently there have been some rumors floating around about Chick-Fil-A so I thought I would put this out there to answer any questions or make clear what Truett and his family have been for many years now.  This video is Dan Cathy who now runs the business.

Dan Cathy Statement from Chick-fil-A on Vimeo.

I started going to the Dwarf House in Hapeville, GA when I was a young boy with my father and made many more to stores everywhere since.



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