Perspective of our world and times . . . Japan Earthquake

The events over the last three days in Japan have brought attention once again to man’s struggles on this planet we call home.  To the people of Japan, I hope all your needs are soon met.  My thoughts and prayers are with anyone who has been touched either directly or indirectly by this horrible act of nature.

Take heed world, and know that all men are equal regardless of race or creed.  What can happen to one man or woman, nation or race can happen as well to any other.  We are all brothers and sisters in this struggle filled world and only by coming together of each and every one of us can alleviate the stress and pain of another.

Our human hearts all beat the same, and we all suffer the same grief when loved one's are taken . . . to the people of the world, we should all look in our own neighborhoods, and treat everyone . . . everyday the way people somehow do when there is a crisis.  Sadly, too often it takes a tragedy for people to come together! 

As we sit and watch the videos and newscasts of the massive horror rolling through villages, airports, and communities I am in awe of how those experiencing these events respond to one another and the restraint shown in dealing with what must be a mind boggling and numbing awakening.

The Japanese people are raised to have the utmost respect for their fellow man.  They are taught that saving face is very important.  You won’t catch them stealing and looting because they know that whatever a person does there is a price to pay.  They wouldn’t think of stealing from their fellow man and the lines waiting for food, water, gasoline are all orderly and respectful.  They are very bright people and will once again prosper once this tragedy is fully understood.  

Many countries are sending manpower, aid, and support which is a great thing since at one time both our countries were set at destroying each other.  There may be hope for us yet.  We have all grown with time and distant past actions give way to a better understanding of our cultures and its peoples.  The rest of the world has much to learn from this event and its aftermath by a nation striving to be there for one another.

God bless them as Japan rebuilds and the world will mourn for all those that lost their lives.



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