The Winds of Destiny . . . or a feather.

I have always liked the movie Forrest Gump and the way in the movie that Forrest’s life is happenstance and wanders . . . only to find itself in a place in time that has an effect on everyone around him.

Take a look at the opening scene from the movie, Forrest Gump.

Is it dumb luck or destiny?  Some of both I suppose but it amazes me that our own lives sometimes make twists and turns that surprise us. 

Did we have our own plan and it worked out or did things happen as dumb luck blowing in the wind?  Did preparation meets opportunity happen in the cosmos giving us unexpected results?

Could it be that simple?  I think not.  Everyone has a destiny, but the journey to find it is undefined.   Forrest is like the feather, blown around by the wind and does whatever he is told.  This journey, though random and simple, leads Forrest to many good things. He never knew where he would end up, but he reached it all the same.

Is that how life really is? 

Is the Zig Ziglar saying, “Success is not the destination, it’s the journey.” the way to tell us to seek out and enjoy what life brings ones way?

Take a look at the making of that opening sequence, it’s interesting to see the detail that goes into a couple minutes of film.  Enjoy.

No road is long with good company.  Enjoy your friends and experience all of the twists and turns.

Look forward to the journey . . . as Forrest would say, “You never know what your gonna get.”



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