Post about Nothing

It has been awhile since I have written and my schedule is not giving me the same time periods to sit down and write as much as I did for a long time.  We all go through changes and I guess this is my time.  It is not that I do not want to write and I see many observations on so many things each day that I log away into my brain and some to paper to be able to develop later.

Work in the Alaskan summers is always busy with the limited construction season and the logistics of getting tons of equipment and materials to some of the remote locations but that is just an excuse.  I have always found the time to write something.  Lately it is not coming easy and is somewhat embarrassing that I just cannot focus on looking at the oddities of the world around me when my own world is in cross hairs of examination.  There are amazing things going on around me with the places and people I meet in these remote villages as well as in my time in Anchorage with the great friends I come in contact with.  My problem seems to be able to follow through with that spark of my imagination to put it down to share with everyone and blog as often as I know I should.

I still think funny things and there have been situations lately that I would love to share but cannot.  Changes come and adjustments are made so hopefully things in the future will allow me to sit and write . . . I do miss it as it is a part of me.  Maybe this is my “block” time that allows one to rethink styles, levity, and the condition of one’s heart.

Right now it seems it is a lot about nothing.  Seinfeld has several episodes where they (Jerry & George) tried to get a television show where each episode was about nothing in particular, much like Seinfeld was.  It was witty and had many hilarious moments that occupied time but overall it was years of great writing about nothing.

I will close this post about nothing and look forward to the times I can share with you the kindness and weirdness that is in my head but right now chooses to stay within.

Until next time.



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