Maybe it’s just me . . .

It’s sad that another one of our musical star’s brightness dimmed and snuffed out.  Another God given talent wasted away by fame and fortune.

We have seen it before . . . Whitney’s is another in a long list of stars who seemingly had it all and let it slip away, or in my mind p*ssed it away, such a waste.

There will be many others touting her fame and saying it should not have happened but I guess with my age I am getting cynical in looking at those who wasted the talents given them.

Some were superstars . . . Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and who could forget my childhood favorite, Elvis.

All great musicians in their own right but in the end . . . sadly druggies who could not function without something to destroy themselves taking away from my memory of most of the great music they made.

Elvis had great music and it is hard for me to remember that but always it comes to mind that he died from a drug overdose, same thing for the others.

Whitney Houston did not change music the way the others did but she at one time had a great voice.  Life has a way of making everyone make a choice in the direction their life takes and for some it appears to be the wrong choice with no adjustments to take the path in a different direction.

That is the sad part, family and children affected in ways we may never know.  A voice silenced becoming a footnote in the music world.  I have been watching the Grammy Awards tonight and I see several things that strike me . . .

The Beach Boys on stage singing and realizing that many in the audience and around the world probably have never seen them play live, 50 years after their heyday!

Music is the core that holds us together.  We wake up to our favorite music, it plays in the back ground of our lives at times lifting us up at other times helping carry us through difficult situations until the music comes around again.  “All my life’s a circle” . . . and the music continues on . . . less one voice.

R.I.P. Whitney, I hope you have found peace you could not find in this life.



Colin said…
Well stated my friend!
Icewind said…
Thanks Colin,

It seems much ado about nothing, a wasted talent.

The Grammy's said we lost one of our family, they need to do better with helping their own.

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