Update on not posting lately

Over the last several months I have been letting my blog fall by the wayside as other endeavors have had my attention.  I think Life happens to all of us and at times we go through periods where we take a break from some part(s) of our lives while speeding up other parts.

There have been many changes for me over the last year and with it there have been many times I have not felt like writing anything that I wanted to post to this blog but during that time I have continued to write working on other projects.  Some were personal in nature and will probably never be shared whiles others were a shared specifically as I saw fit depending on what was happening with me at the time.

As many of you know over the last year and a half I had changes in my life with my marriage of 25 years and with my children which brought about some things which at my first thought I may not have realized or was able to think about during that time.  The divorce was bittersweet for me as things had progressed in different directions and the changes to keep things together were not really wanted by both parties so it brought about many changes in the family structure as we had known for many years.  I can only wish for the best with my ex and hope she finds happiness in her life.

With the divorce I at first thought there would be many negative things from my children about the family break up but I have found that all of my children have been supportive of both of us and wish that we each find happiness in our lives.  The family did not break up and in many ways has brought us closer together, especially for me as the last few years I had withdrawn into my “man cave” and my own choice of being alone within our family.  It was not the best thing I could have done but was where my mind was during this time.  I was there for everyone, but in a distant semi-disconnected way.

Most of my children live away from Alaska and have their own lives but during this time after I was out of the house starting over we became closer and more connected than we had been in several years.  Every one of us has our difficulties and problems to work through for a few years now but we are a strong lot and the Southern heritage brings with it a determination to adapt and move forward to the future.

This process has brought with it some insight into divorce and the part I may have played in it.  It is a work in progress but from it and the support of close friends I have decided to put a few things down on Divorce from a man’s perspective since most of anything I have read or seen is by women who write about what men are thinking and feeling about divorce and moving forward with their lives. 

I have spent the last couple of months working on this project and getting closer to trying to get the book published.  This may well be my way of healing during this process but I think it has some value to others going through things and getting back out into the dating scene again.  It is written from a senior perspective which adds to the fun of things since it is covers issues from our age group but could give younger people so information of what it is look forward to as they head into those “golden years”.

I will keep everyone informed on the progress but wanted to give everyone an update on what I have been doing.  I want to get back into looking at the crazy things happening here in Alaska as winter once again sets in and the darkness continues to close in around us.  We are slowly making our way to about 5 ½ hours of daylight as we approach Winter Solstice.

I posted on facebook on my customary Veterans Day posts so I may drop them in here on my blog since I have done that every year since I started this in 2006.  It is amazing how much has changed and all of the places I have been too since I started writing here.

More to follow . . .



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