Adventures with Johnny

Adventures with Johnny
(A remembrance of good times and adventures with Johnny Kytle)

Johnny Kytle and I were best friends in high school and over several of those school years had many adventures together.  We learned scuba diving, sky diving (after I got out of the Army), rode motorcycles and drove fast cars.  It was pretty typical for us “buddies” to share and do many things together, like join the U.S. Army on the “buddy plan” but as fate would have it Johnny ended up with a deferment since he had crashed his motorcycle several years earlier and had knee surgery.  We were going to fly helicopters together but after our physicals at the A.F.E.E.S. induction station I was left alone to do my enlistment.

Johnny married my first cousin, Debbie whom he met on one of our many scuba diving adventures in Florida where we would stop by to see my aunt and cousins in Pensacola when we were in the north Florida area cave and sinkhole diving. 

I wanted to write about our travels together and revisit some of our adventures, as we’ve both gotten older.  I hope this will help Johnny remember the great fun times we had together as his memory is fading and he wants to hold on to them as long as he can.  Ageing and the progression of dementia and possible AZ cuts into the things we did together as he tries to hold onto the memories every day.

Hopefully, this will lift the fog in his mind and push back time a little longer.  It will help him smell and feel once again the freshness of our youth and innocence in our lives during that time period in the late 1960’s. 

The stories are in no particular chronological order, as they took place over several years, only written down as I go back remembering them.  I think I will arrange them by the locations we traveled and what we were doing during our adventures. 

My only regret is when I left Alaska last year I was downsizing my stuff and got rid of the photographs I carried around with me these last forty years, including those dive trips and sky diving adventures.  I have none now to post with these recollections.  I will use some photos from the locations I could find on the internet.  I wish I still had mine as we had some pretty neat underwater photos, skydiving pictures, and the places we traveled over those years.

Over the next week or so I will be posting these adventures of our travels and I hope you enjoy this slice of our past.  It would not be long before my innocence was lost and my attitudes and thought processes changed forever so this was a great time in my life.

Johnny, these writings were a labor of love for the friendship we continued to have through all these years.  I hope you will enjoy reading about our adventures together and hopefully, it stirs up some of the fun and interesting things from our past! 

(I gave Johnny the book tonight during our family Christmas gathering and it was great to reminisce about our stories together.  He reminded me a few things I had forgotten which were so nice.)



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