Listening to the Void space in our Lives

It’s raining today so I am not getting too much done outside.  It gives one a chance to sit inside, watching nature or sitting still and allowing the “void” to come into focus.

There is a void that exists in all of us, the void can be filled with many things:
Facebook for some, text messaging, emails, scheduling things, gaming, doing paperwork;
some like parties, television, shopping, and a drink now and then.

Or you can make the conscious decision not to fill the void at all
and just let it be a void.

This is by far the most difficult path to take.

But as creative people, this is possibly the most important choice, this idle space allows our brain to do its work, time spent idly walking through nature, sitting alone in a room, or driving along lonely roads.

Time left empty, like blank pages in a notebook does not remain empty, because our mind moves to fill these voids, to paint them, like virgin canvases, filling these moments with color, poetry, or music when we eliminate the white noise.

We instead hear our inner voice, it speaks only in a whisper
and it can only be heard in the silence of our isolation.

As artists this is precisely the voice we need to hear every day.

I am making space for this voice every day.

It speaks to me, a little louder.



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