A little fun at the store this week . . .

Real life has got in the way of me writing this week. News from home and a busy week at work have been partly responsible for my lack of writing. I have also started going back to The Alaska Club so I can get into better shape and lose some weight. I have wanted to do this for some time now but put it off for one reason or another.

This is not a New Year’s Resolution as I had debated this for several months and I just happened to put into action now. Scott, one of the people I work with has also been trying to lose weight and me grabbing him for lunch everyday has not helped him in his quest for better health. We have decided to eat salads several days a week and possibly go to the club for a steam at lunch other days. We will do our 3 nights a week and hit the place on weekends. Now only to stick with that plan and see what happens.

I was downtown the other day and went to the store. I was only in there for about 5 minutes getting some work out clothes. When I came out there was one of our city’s finest, a traffic cop writing out a parking ticket.

I went up to him and said, "Come on buddy, how about giving a senior citizen a break?"

He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. I did my best Jeff Foxworthy impression and called him a name. He glared at me, mumbled something under his breath and started writing another ticket for worn tires.

So I called him a worse name. He finished the second ticket, looked up at me and smiled and put it on the windshield with the first one. This diligent cop then started writing a third ticket.

This went on for about 10 minutes as the more I commented to him, the more tickets he wrote.

I didn't really care as my car was parked around the corner but this one had an "Elect John Kerry" bumper sticker on it.

I try to have a little fun each day as it's important at my age.

I do not go to the store or the mall that often anymore so I will take the fun anywhere I find it.



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