Fly By Night Club

One of Alaska’s oldest and oddest night spots, the Fly By Night Club is going off into the midnight sunset it’s final time September 8th 2006. It has been a great place to see the oddities and oddballs for the last 26 years and will be closing its doors soon.

According to its website:

Proudly Serving "Spam®, Booze, Rhythm & Blues"

since 1980!!


Mr. Whitekeys' Fly By Night Club is World Famous---we are known as well in Cairo as we are in Havana!! The club is the home of The Whale Fat Follies --"The Alaskan Show that the Department Of Tourism Does NOT want you to see."

The club was founded in 1980 because there was no place else where you could order some of the world's finest champagnes and a damn fine plate of Spam®.

The Whale Fat Follies has now been seen by over 500,000 misguided Alaskans and visitors, which just goes to show how little there is to do in our pathetic little town!

The four different shows put on each season is a mad mix of Dr. Demento like zaniness mixed with Alaskan humor and political satire from the current news. It is a great show and has over the years entertained the locals and our guests ‘from hell” who may stay sometimes longer than anticipated if the fishing is good.

Whitekeys says, “There were legendary times in Spenard like Fisherman's Night. You had to wear streamside apparel, and there was a casting contest to see who could drop a fly into a Margarita from 50 feet. There was Secretary's Night when throngs of ladies brought office supplies and equipment to be crushed under a 10 ton steam roller driven by Hank “The Asphalt King”. An 8 X 10 glossy of Barry Manilow was run over with two bottles of white-out and a loaf of Spam®. It still adorns the club wall.

Everyday we go to work surrounded by three hundred cases of beer, stacks of Spam®, and piles of T-shirts that read, "Skinny Dick's Halfway Inn." We play rock and roll and tell bathroom jokes we remember from the sixth grade. That may not be the loftiest goal in the world, but it's more productive than anything the Alaska Legislature has done lately.”

Mr. Whitekeys has been involved with many Alaskan charities over the years and for that we all thank you for your efforts.

We have laughed at ourselves, seen the many names and combinations with our license plates over the years and enjoyed bringing our out of town guests for a laugh and beer with our friends, the great staff and performers over the years who made our visits memorable to everyone.

Thanks for the fun, the sleaziness, and the bawdy laughter during the countless shows in your time entertaining us.

Thanks for the memories, there will never be another one like it to keep us laughing!



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