Old Memories and a proud moment!

It has been a busy couple of weeks here with family and friends in town for that last fishing trip as the season winds down. Hopefully I can get back on track with my posting again as I settle into that transition time between summer (we really haven’t had one) and the coming snowfall.

Thanks to those that have been sending me items and I will try to get them into this blog as I can. I was reading one of my favorite blogs from Denny in Atlanta known as the Grouchy Old Cripple who had this little video.

As an old chopper pilot I thought I would find a few to share with you as it was nice seeing new technology and also to remember to those long ago times. Part One. It may take a few seconds to load depending on your connection.

Here is Helo Thunder:

This second one gives a couple of great views of autorotation from both inside and from on the ground. It’s pretty cool and shows you what you do in an emergency to get to the ground in one piece.

I hope you enjoy!

Helicopter Autorotation

More to follow tomorrow.



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