Alaskan Men

There’s an old Alaskan saying about the men here and it goes like this:

“The Odds are good but the Goods are Odd”

Translation -- Not everyone would consider many Alaskan men someone to take home to the parents . . .

Here are a few other sayings about Alaskan Men and their women.

"When a woman gets off the plane the whole town
knows." - A Kodiak fisherman.

"She walked right by me without saying hello. That's
the last time I fix her four-wheeler." - Alaska

"An Alaska man's matching set of luggage: two
cardboard boxes sealed with duct tape." - A mother

"When she came to visit I gave her one drawer in the
file cabinet and two in the bureau. After all, a woman
needs a place for her stuff." - Alaska man on
understanding women.

"I keep ice-cream in there during the winter." -
Alaska man on why he keeps a file cabinet in his yard.

Alaska Bush Pilot landing on a river gravel bar:



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