Oil Shortage?

A lot of folks can't understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in America . . .

Well, I think it may be a very simple answer.

Everyone was busy . . . Looking for all sorts of problems to solve . . .

There’s that fence thing going on for the border . . . 700 hundred miles for a 2,000 mile border. I hope the installation crew has a good fence stretcher. And which border is that again? The newspapers and the other media didn’t quite make it clear to me . . . I’m not sure if we are trying to keep my Canadian friends from coming here to get some cheaper prices on Guinness or Molson beer or is it the all those fun loving rafter’s floating over from the islands? That’s probably not right as a fence wouldn’t be needed for that, maybe a nice deserted stretch of beach for all of the rafts and inner tubes to arrive with a towel ready for everyone.

It must be that Tex-Mex border thing going on with the tunnels and swimmers coming across the Rio Grande to work at Wal-Mart and Taco Bell. I can see how a fence might be needed for that as there are only so many Wal-Mart stores available and the seniors have a lock on some of those jobs. But it may be a good thing as some of those codgers are really OLD and dying off everyday and they will need to beef up that workforce so we can shop till we drop while they “roll back” those prices.

Oh yeah, I’m Rambling again . . . it was oil I wanted to talk about tonight.

Nobody bothered to check the oil.

As a country we just didn't know we were getting low. I don’t think I ever saw a memo or newspaper headline telling us who was supposed to check it. I know here in Alaska we watch the debates about ANWR and I think the rest of the country mistakenly believes that Alaska is against exploration there. Go figure.

The reason for that is purely geographical.

Our OIL is located in Alaska, California, Coastal Florida, Coastal Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas.

BUT: Our DIPSTICKS are located in Washington D.C.

Maybe Anderson Cooper could do another great story. He did great work during Hurricane Katrina on many of those guys in Washington and how they blew it helping out our citizens in need.

Washington is so busy trying to “look” busy and spending everyone’s dollars that I believe there are still a few thousand Katrina trailers sitting at the Hope Arkansas airport waiting for needy families.

We need the oil . . . we need other alternatives also. Throw in a little more conservation, a couple more days of using public transportation, and just maybe a few extra days of working from home for those who can.

The elections are coming soon, let’s see who’s paying attention.



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