Hollow words . . . or maybe just Talking Heads

During my travels as an outside salesman I see many things that are both beautiful and sometimes just extraordinary.

This is Alaska . . . a place with a wondrous sight around every corner or bend in the road, wild life of all kinds may be found anywhere. The mountains reaching from the sea up through the timberline and into the snowfields that linger all summer long.

I saw something the other day that still I cannot get over or figure out. It was just too . . . strange . . . even by Alaska’s standards.

It was a ‘hot’ summer’s day by Alaska standards with the afternoon temperatures approaching 70 degrees. There were a few clouds that seemed like they were placed in the sky here and there . . . just right. The deep blue of the sky with the mountains as a backdrop makes one wish for that perfect day on the water fishing but this just before the start of our fishing season so that would have to wait until another time.

I stopped by the golden arches for a quick drink and an ice cream before my next call. I was sitting in the parking lot and noticed an older man and woman sitting behind me (I could see them in my side mirror). I noted them and several other people who were sitting outside at the tables enjoying a great sunny day. Shortly, a Ford crew cab pickup pulled up beside me and parked. There was an older couple in this rig and got out and walked over to the other vehicle. They spent several minutes talking when both women started getting something out of the vehicle behind me.

Both couples were probably in their seventies but were laughing and having a great time together. The men talked while the women slowly took something out of the other rig and walked over and placed in the Ford pickup. They returned and got more and laughed while they placed these inside the cab of the truck. They gently strapped these . . . four . . . “people” into their seats.

Now I’m watching them trying not to be too obvious but it did not seem to matter as they went about their business. The four puppets were strapped in as the women joined the men and everyone was saying their goodbyes. The one couple returned to their rig and quickly left while the ‘Ford’ people went inside and got a drink.

My curiosity had gotten the best of me now as I looked at these 4 puppets sitting, buckled into their seats like ‘normal’ people. This was surely a case of Alaska’s new seatbelt law, “click it or ticket”. There were three male and one female ‘puppet’ that looked similar to Howdy Dowdy. All had that cute goofy look about them and appeared to be quite old but in excellent condition.

The couple returned to their rig shortly and sat inside talking to each other for several minutes. All of a sudden there is a loud arguing coming from the Ford beside me. At first I thought it was the man and woman sitting in the front seat but soon realized that the most chatter was coming from the back seat of the Ford crew cab. The puppets were fighting over where they were going next and how long it was going to take to get there. Yelling back and forth from the front to the back seat and it escalated into a huge fight with six different voices fighting. The older couple was not aware that I was paying them any attention so I do not think it was a ‘show’ for my benefit.

They soon cranked up and started to leave as I could hear the driver say they were heading to Fairbanks several hours north of here. I was cracking up as it was one of the funniest, strangest, things I have ever seen. What made it even more surreal was the fact that the couple was not young kids but was in their 70’s. Everyone was still ‘talking’ as they left and headed on their way.

It was a riot to see them so young at heart, still having a blast with their ‘children’. It brings up many questions or possibilities to me . . . who were these people? Were they a retired comedy act on vacation in Alaska? The plates on their rig were from Alaska so they were probably ‘normal’ residents I guess.

Were their real children grown up and now their ‘puppet children’ brightening their lives? Did the other couple also ‘talk’ with these puppets while they were in their possession before being dropped off? In my mind I want to think so just for the fun of it. Two older couples with puppets . . . beats the hell out of a game of hearts or scrabble.

There are still so many questions but the fun thing is . . . there are no certain answers . . . only the old Alaska saying comes to mind . . . “the odds are good that the goods are odd!”

I hope you are enjoying your summer!



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