My draft folder

If you are one of the fabulous long time readers to my ramblings you have seen that there are days when I can put up seven or eight posts in a row or then real life steps in when you cannot find the time to sit down to write things down. Then again, probably like everyone, there are those moments when I have almost nothing to say and it is an effort to update the blog.

Ok, luckily those days are few and far between. In general I usually have no trouble coming up with material which is part of why my draft folder is filled with drafts of posts that never managed to see the light of day.

I see things or something happens to spark that odd thought which I jot down so I can come back to it later. I’ll write it up and it all falls into place and gets posted. But, sometimes I can't make the post work. That is, I don't like the end product or it gets bogged down as my style sometimes wanders off point. It doesn't flow. I can't stand the way it reads. I hate the way it sounds or my perspective is only me ‘getting it’.

You might wonder what happens to these posts. I have often said that I don't do much in the way of editing or rewriting my posts. Well, I am glad that you asked. If I am having trouble making a post work for me I often save it as a draft with the idea that I'll come back to it later on.

The problem is that unless the topic really grabs me I often forget to look at the draft section of the blog. And now after a couple of years it is filled with all sorts of odds and ends. It kind of reminds me of an old toy box that is full of toys that were once shiny and new and now have become a bit faded.

But, like old toys, some of them still have a little life in them so every now and then I open up the toy box to see if there aren't a couple of buried treasures just waiting to see the light of day again.

Sometimes all that is really required is a little time and some new perspective.



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