Chinese Restaurant Could it really be this?

Last weekend I had to drive to a town about an hour from my house for an evening get together with a few friends for a 60th birthday party. As we arrived in the town (it’s been in the news a lot lately since our governor was announced as the Republican Vice Presidential Candidate) it was close to dinner time so I asked my father in law’s Garmin GPS to tell me what restaurants were in the area and it identified a Chinese restaurant about a half mile ahead.

It turned out not to be a REAL Chinese restaurant, but more like a fast food Chinese restaurant. That’s ok since the party was supposed to have things to snack on and dinner to follow so maybe a quick snack since we had not eaten might be a wise thing to do. However two things came into play here:

1. I LOVE Chinese food, especially sweet & sour chicken or pork, fried rice and an egg roll.

2. I didn't have time to look for another place and still make the party on time.

So we placed our order at the counter and the young lady told me she would bring the food out to the table. I walked into the dining room and sat at the first empty table I found.

And saw this.

My first thought was, "Is this what they use for napkins?" but a quick glance at other tables revealed no other rolls of toilet paper. One can only imagine WHY a partial roll of toilet paper would be on a restaurant's dining room table. Did someone bring their own special brand with them? Did someone bring it out of the restroom for some reason? Did someone have a really bad runny nose and no tissues?

After I got over my shock and snapped the above picture with my cell phone camera, I moved to another restroom . . . uh I mean table to eat my dinner.



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