Obama Pick Pocket Economics

Continuing last night’s blog about Joe the Plumber . . . before we move onto other things since this cycle is quickly winding down.

With more of Senator Socialist’s tax plan. The government raises taxes on behavior it wants to discourage, and lowers taxes on behavior it wants to encourage. It becomes clear from Obama’s statement that he wants to discourage Joe’s success and wants to encourage socialism by giving a handout to the “bottom.”

The idea that “when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody” is naive at best and nefarious at worst. It isn’t good for anybody! Joe the Plumber is punished for his success; the “bottom” is punished by being locked into the lie that somehow they deserve a portion of Joe’s money and should not apply themselves through hard work to rise from the bottom. The thread worn class warfare rhetoric of taxing the rich and giving to the poor is a thinly veiled fabrication that there are “have’s” and there are “have not’s” in our country. In truth, there is a continuum of those who have a lot and those who have some. And though they may not like to hear it . . . those who have some . . . if living in almost any other part of the world they would be considered as those who have a lot.

Certainly there are those who need a hand up, who need assistance of one form or another. Myriad programs, both governmental & private sector are available for those who avail themselves. This is not what Senator Obama is advocating. He would take from those who risk and succeed . . . and give to those whom he would continue to discourage from ever risking success.

But this principle still holds true: You will never enrich the poor by impoverishing the rich.

What should we call Obama’s trickle-up economic policy?

How about “Pick Pocket Economics”?

Because while you’re watching Senator Obama’s right hand, his left hand is reaching into your wallet.



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